- High Performance, Low Latency & QoS
- Thin Provisioning, Snapshots & Clones
- Multi-host Shared Volumes
- S3 Backup (Compressed + Encrypted)
- Secure Access Over WAN
- Mobility Across Availability Zones
i3.4xlarge | 2×1.9 TiB | 100 GiB | 80/100 μs | 225/55 K | 1220/1220 MB |
i3.8xlarge | 4×1.9 TiB | 200 GiB | 80/100 μs | 225/110 K | 1220/1220 MB |
us-east-1 | N. Virginia | ami-44316e52 |
us-east-2 | Ohio | ami-a4af89c1 |
us-west-1 | N. California | ami-57b39137 |
us-west-2 | Oregon | ami-47c3cb3e |
- Automatic Install & Configuration
- Automatic Software Updates
- Instance Detection & Tuning
- Preconfigured Enhanced Networking
Different region? Ask
Finding the AMI
- Click the AMIs link in the navigation panel located under Images.
- Select Public images from drop-down menu to the left of the search bar.
- Search for blockbridge
- The Blockbridge AWS Owner ID is 319147036085
Launching an Instance
- Select our AMI and click Launch
- Select Storage Optimized from the Filter by instance type drop-down menu.
- Select a supported instance such as i3.4xlarge
Instance Details
- Enable Auto-assign Public IP, unless you plan to use an Elastic IP.
Configure Security Groups
- Choose or configure a group that permits TCP traffic to ports 22, 443 and 3260
- You may optionally enable port 80. Our software automatically redirects port 80 to 443
The instance will take approximately 3 minutes to provision and auto-configure. When complete you can connect to the Blockbridge web interface using https.
Blockbridge AMIs support and automatically configure enhanced networking. No additional software or instance configuration is required.
To take advantage of enhanced networking from your client instances, you must:
- operate on a supported instance type
- use a supported kernel
- enable enhanced networking on your instance via aws cli
Note that Amazon Linux natively supports enhanced networking capabilities. However, you will need to manually enable ‘EnaSupport’ on your client instance using the AWS CLI.
For more information, see
- 22/TCP SSH access
- 443/TCP HTTPS access
- 3260/TCP iSCSI
If you’d like to use IPsec, you must open two additional UDP ports:
- 500/UDP IPsec IKE
- 4500/UDP IPsec ESP
If you reboot the instance or an instance reboots:
- all configuration and data are preserved
If you stop an instance:
- system configuration is preserved
- virtual disks and data are lost
- on instance restart, the software will automatically reconfigure
If you terminate an instance:
- All configuration and data are lost.
To protect data against instance loss you may:
- replicate virtual disks
- send compressed/encrypted virtual disk snapshots to S3
- utilize a stretch cluster
$ ssh centos@your-instance-ip get-creds system password: a685cafbc6c93a7d7c7487c1 system token: 1/VUVSmObS45L0HAiolso/hsO4QiMA/w2jLID0ui93DT5FRVKY5tLp0w
Use the password to authenticate via command line tools or web interface as the system account.
# Provision a virtual storage service and disk $ bb vss provision -c 32GiB --with-disk # Attach a disk to the host $ bb host attach # Detach a disk from host $ bb host detach # Release a virtual storage service $ bb vss remove
However, If you absolutely need to configure everything by hand, we’ve made that easy too.
Global ➟ provision a storage service
✎ set provisioning type
Service ➟ create a disk
✎ set disk size
Service ➟ create an initiator profile
✎ set CHAP credentials
✎ set permitted initiator IQN
Service ➟ create a target
✎ map the disk
✎ associated the initiator profile
✎ Configure your client
- Windows
- Linux
- Solaris
- VMware
- iPXE
- Others
Global ➟ Configure an object store
✎ set the name of your S3 bucket
✎ set as the host
✎ set the user access Key ID
✎ set the secret access key
✎ set the default restore passphrase
Creating a Backup
Disk ➟ Snapshot this disk
✎ specify a snapshot label
Disk ➟ Backup to Object Storage
✎ select snapshot
✎ select object store
✎ customize backup label
✎ optionally customize restore passphrase
Restore and Clone from S3
Object Storage ➟ Clone from Object Storage
✎ select an image
You’ll have to ensure that the Inbound traffic rules for your instance’s Security Group will accept traffic from your source IP. To see your current settings from the AWS console:
- select your instance from the EC2 instances list,
- open the Description tab, then
- click on “view inbound rules” in the “Security Groups” field.
For more information on Inbound Rules and Security Groups, see this article:
If you would like to remove a device, you must destage the device from the pool and then remove it from the pool before detaching the EBS volume from the instance.
- is the instance started?
- does the instance have an assigned public ip address?
- does the instance security group permit TCP port 22
- are you authenticating as user ‘centos’?
- are using the appropriate ssh keypair (use the -i option to explicitly select)
To determine the accessibility of the ssh port, we recommend using netcat or nmap
$ nc -v 22 Ncat: Version 6.40 ( ) Ncat: Connected to $ nmap Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2017-04-13 16:49 EDT Not shown: 996 filtered ports PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 443/tcp open https 3260/tcp open iscsi
Remember that ICMP utilities such as ‘ping’ only work if your security group permits ICMP traffic.
- is the instance started?
- is the instance type supported?
- does the instance have an assigned public ip address?
- does the instance security group permit TCP port 443
- are you connecting with https?
- are you using the system generated password?
To determine the accessibility of the https port, we recommend using netcat or nmap
$ nc 443 --verbose Ncat: Version 6.40 ( ) Ncat: Connected to $ nmap Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2017-04-13 16:49 EDT Not shown: 996 filtered ports PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 443/tcp open https 3260/tcp open iscsi
Remember that ICMP utilities such as ‘ping’ only work if your security group permits ICMP traffic.
If you are testing performance, we suggest using the ‘unlimited’ profile.
$ bb vss provision --capacity 32GiB --type unlimited --with-disk
You can also create custom templates for your applications. Template definitions and parameters are accessible via the control plane in the infrastructure application. You must be authenticated as ‘system’.