Announcing: Release 3.1
Version 3.1 is hot off the CI/CD pipeline. This update focused on storage operators and services providers: improved controls, increased efficiency and higher availability. We also updated all of our host orchestration tools and topped the release off [...]
Encrypted Container Backup and Restore with Volume Driver 4
The Blockbridge Docker Volume Driver version 4.0 is now available! This update adds native support for compressed and encrypted volume backup to any S3 compatible object store. Backup any application without the need for custom [...]
Hybrid Cloud Data Mobility & Security with OX
It's easy to copy application binaries over long distances and to change DNS entries, but what about application state? How do you move data between your old school virtual machines running in your private datacenter [...]
Announcing: Release 3.0 (Anti-Gravity)
Anti-Gravity is the 3rd generation of Blockbridge Elastic Storage. We're introducing several new technologies that deliver on the promise of elastic block storage in public, private and hybrid cloud. In this blog post, we'll run [...]
Announcing End-to-End Encryption for Docker Volumes
If you've been following along with DockerCon2016, you probably heard the huge announcement regarding Docker security: they have integrated automated setup and management of Swarm nodes configured with TLS. In summary, they are giving [...]
Docker Volume Sense: Making Sense of Multi-host Environments
Migrating applications to container infrastructure requires new tools and thinking. As container infrastructure scales, so does management complexity. We know everyone loves to focus on Dev. But, you can only go so far without [...]