Describe & Attach: the services approach to storage
Storage As A Service? Blockbridge software allows you to build and consume storage “as a service”. In this model, storage resources and the fabrics that connect them are built, on demand, from what’s available [...]
DropSafe: A New Protection Strategy for Ingest Systems
Recently, a customer approached us about an application with some seemingly impossible security requirements. They needed to protect sensitive data on ingest systems from tampering, disclosure and loss. The threat actors included the customer’s [...]
A Closer Look at Docker Volume Plugins in Action
To say that people are excited about Docker is an understatement. After months of experience with it here at Blockbridge, we can understand why: it provides a brilliant method for packaging and deploying software. [...]
Announcing Native Support for Blockbridge in OpenStack Liberty
The upcoming Liberty release of OpenStack now includes native support for Blockbridge Elastic Programmable Storage. Blockbridge EPS is a complete software-defined storage stack that delivers secure multi-tenant storage capabilities on whatever hardware (or software) platform [...]
Announcing Blockbridge STaaC Volume Plugin for Docker 1.8
Recent Docker releases have improved support for persistent volume management. With Docker 1.8, the Volume Plugin infrastructure moves from experimental to mainstream. Volume Plugins allow Docker to orchestrate create, remove, mount and unmount operations for [...]